CS0 - Computational Thinking and Problem Solving

For signups and further details, please contact Ms. Irene Ong Hwei Nee.

  1. Introduction to Computing
  2. Programming Fundamentals and Selection
  3. Tuples, Strings, and Data Abstraction
  4. Functions and Functional Abstraction
  5. Repetition and Loops
  6. Introduction to Problem-Solving and Patterns
  7. Patterns for Strings
  8. Patterns for Tuples
  9. Nested Loops
  10. Divide-and-Conquer
  11. Data Abstraction with the Cartesian Coordinate System
  12. Tabular Data

NUS School of Computing

School of Computing
National University of Singapore
Computing 1
13 Computing Drive
Singapore 117417
Republic of Singapore